Tenants with Families staying longer

Tenants with families staying longer than ever in private rented housing in their current homes as the proportion of tenants with children increases.

Analysis of the English Housing Survey for 2015/16 by the Residential Landlords Association, shows that the average length that tenants have been in their current private rented property is now 4.3 years, up from 4.0 years 12 months before.

Nearly two thirds of private sector tenants have been living in their current home for more than three years, whilst almost half have been in them for five or more years.

The survey finds also that the proportion of private rented households with children has increase from 30 per cent in 2005/06 to 36 per cent in 2015/16.

The RLA claims the data proves that landlords are already meeting calls by the government for greater security for tenants without the need for heavy handed legislation.

“It is time to end the scaremongering peddled by some, and focus not on heavy handed legislation, but looking at what more can be done to break the barriers preventing landlords offering longer tenancies, such as restrictions imposed by mortgage lenders” says RLA chairman, Alan Ward.

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