What are we doing to keep you and us safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

What do you call the disease caused by the novel coronavirus? Covid-19

Here at the office we take the safety and wellbeing of our staff and clients very seriously, and so we have put in place a number of procedure to ensure we are doing the most we can to keep Stuarts a safe work place.

Our procedures within the office include, but are not limited to:

  • Full clean down every morning of frequently touched areas in the office – light switches, door handles, cupboards, drawers etc.
  • Temperatures are taken of staff members every morning using a contactless electronic thermometer.
  • One-way systems are in place. For example, in the kitchen we have a one person at a time policy to ensure social distancing is being followed.
  • Remaining seated at desks where possible.
  • Wearing a face covering when opening the door
  • Not allowing any person in the office other than staff members
  • There are no more towels in use at our office – we use paper towels to dry hands. This prevents the spread of any germs from person to person.
  • Front door is locked at all times and a doorbell is available to seek attention from the staff inside.

Our procedures at appointments include but are not limited to:

  • When attending any appointments face coverings and gloves are worn at all times by members of staff.
  • Social distancing is in place at all appointments.
  • At viewings, the member of staff will wait outside the property where possible. In tenanted properties the member of staff must be in the property to ensure the safety of the tenants’ personal items.
  • Any person attending a viewing must wear gloves and a face covering. If you attend an appointment with out these items you will not be permitted to enter the property under any circumstances.

Let’s Get Talking Property!

Our team is always happy to give you a call and talk through how we can help.
Fill in this form to get started today.

    Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.00pm. Saturdays 9am to 12 noon.