We Will Remember Them

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”  –  THOMAS CAMPBELL, HALLOWED GROUND

As Remembrance Sunday nears, We Will Remember Them. To remember all those who have fought and given their lives for the freedom of those left behind, lest we forget. Over 100 years since WWI commenced and 73 years since WWII concluded. We at Stuarts, stand with all those who have sacrificed themselves for our freedom.

Stuarts have been around for approaching 110 years in 2018 and have remained through both World Wars and through the continued service of our Armed Forces. Stuarts Property Services are very proud of the work our Armed Forces do and we actively wish the British Legion the best in raising donations for veterans. you can click on the link below found in the word Poppy to donate.

If you have seen our office lately you will have seen our act of support, to remember the veterans with ourPoppy

display at the front of our office in cheadle.  

Albeit with a fighting battle with the weather conditions, there seems to be a hint of irony in that! Our display was put together using the youthful and creative minds of Lewis Hamilton and Jack Hayes. You can see the boys proudly showing off their display for Remembrance Sunday at the top of the page. 

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    Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.00pm. Saturdays 9am to 12 noon.