The Four Heaton’s Zoo Exhibit!

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On Friday 12th June 2020 – hundreds of homes in the Heaton’s will be exhibiting all different kinds of animals on the windows, front gardens, driveways and more! From Lions to Flamingos… From Elephants to Giraffes… From Monkeys to Zebras!! You name it! Take a walk around the streets of the Heaton’s and you can see all the following animals:

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How Can I Get Involved?

On our Facebook page: you will find the checklist to see all of our amazing animals.

What’s it for?

Well, during the Corona-Virus pandemic it has proved very difficult for lots of people, including the beloved Chester Zoo. During this time they haven’t been able to open and so funding the zoo is really tricky when you don’t have any guests coming along and buying tickets! That’s why the people of the Heaton’s have come together to try to help Chester Zoo during a difficult time! We have set up a Just giving page where all proceeds go directly to Chester Zoo to help them:

Why Chester Zoo?

Chester Zoo Events

Chester Zoo is not only a Zoo for the public to enjoy the beautiful animals, it is also a breeding programme. It helps animals who face extinction due to environmental changes, poachers and much more. There is multiple projects going on right now such as the Primate Breeding and Management, Save the Lemurs project, Pine Marten Recovery Project and many more. The work Chester Zoo do for the conservation of the animal kingdom is truly remarkable. They do so much for the world we live in… now its time to do something for them!!

Any donations will be truly appreciated:

How is Stuarts Involved?

Clare, Colin and Olivia all live in the Heaton’s and so they are joining in – our road has been tasked with turning our homes in to Elephants! We have been working hard on creating our Elephant displays and we will be sharing pictures of our display as well as the rest of the streets displays too!

What's the difference between Asian and African elephants? And 8 ...

Let’s Get Talking Property!

Our team is always happy to give you a call and talk through how we can help.
Fill in this form to get started today.

    Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.00pm. Saturdays 9am to 12 noon.