Insurance Awareness Day – 28th June 2017

On Insurance Awareness Day, this image reminds us that this is the devastation that can be caused to your home.

Do you have Insurance?  Insurance Awareness Day reminds us to take them all important policies out on your life, car and property to save you and your family at the worst times.

Insurance has been around since 3000-2000BC.  It’s actually been around that long that it has been found inscribed on the Code of Hammurabi, the first written laws.  Apparently it came about after the Great Fire of London which caused great devastation and was seen as a necessity that could protect families and in fact a whole estate.

With recent events in London at Grenfell Tower, again this stresses how important it is to have Insurance to protect your family, property and any belongings.  This was a devastating day for all the people involved and an event so heart breaking but again brings to our attention the need for Insurance.

We urge all clients both landlords and tenants to check  your insurance requirements.

Landlords –  please make sure you have the right insurance in place to protect both your property and the liability as a landlord.  It is your responsibility to insure the building (unless covered with service charge as is the case with many apartment blocks).  Whilst the Financial Conduct Authority does not allow us to assist in any way with your insurance requirements, we would appreciate you updating us with your policy details if we manage your property on your behalf. 

Tenants – have you considered what you would do if something like this happened to you?  Have you got Insurance in place or would you be left with just the clothes you are wearing? 

There are ways to prevent fires and there is some useful information from the Fire Service but sometimes things do happen and we need that protection.

Fires are at the forefront of our minds at the minute because of this terrible tragedy but other unpleasant events can happen where again Insurance is a must otherwise you could lose a lot both in sentimental value and monetary value.  If your home was to get burgled, can you claim for those stolen possessions or again would you lose everything that was taken.  The same with your car, do you have a car registered to your address? How many of us have a car on the drive worth thousands of pounds.  If you don’t have car Insurance, you lose all of that money and would still have to pay the finance back on it if you took it out on finance and weren’t fortunate to pay cash for it.  So not only would you lose the car but you could also still end up having to pay for it. 

Stuarts Property Services has been established since 1908.  We pride ourselves in caring for both our Landlords and Tenants and because of this we want to make sure you have the correct protection in place both for yourself, your property and your belongings to ensure you have every eventuality covered.


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