Legislation-Toil and Trouble

Legislation – Are you getting yourself tangled in a spiders web with your tenancy that potentially could cause you bubble bubble toil and trouble in the future

toil and trouble

Legislation’s have changed dramatically in the property industry in the last few years and continue to do so.  If you are not on top of them, you could have a NIGHTMARE on your hands…..  Let us not trick you, but treat you.

Legislation’s you need to be aware of

Here at Stuarts we ensure that all our Landlords are aware of the different checks and certificates that are required.  They are listed below.  Click on the link for more information of each one:-

Portable Appliance Test (PAT) – Click here

Gas Safety Certificate (GSC) – Click here

Electrical Installation Certificate (EIC) – Click here

Legionella – Click here

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)

Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide detectors

We can take the trick out of being caught out not having these by arranging them for you.

If you are a Landlord that doesn’t want to or isn’t prepared to spend time keeping abreast of the law and health and safety requirements or you don’t want disturbing about leaks, chasing non-payment etc, then choose the fully managed service at Stuarts to keep you on top of everything from legislation’s to chasing payments.  This will avoid you being caught out by the ever changing legislation’s.

Spooky fact:   following the deregulation act 2015, if you are not up to date with LEGISLATION you may find yourself in a tricky situation 

If you are a Landlord that wants to be involved in the day to day running of your properties then make sure you are fully up to date with what is required.  We can get someone to complete the necessary checks for you and advise you on what needs doing.

It may be that you are an overseas Landlord, in which case us here are Stuarts could ensure all the current legislation’s are followed on our fully managed service.

Don’t be tricked and face the consequences of not adhering to the requirements.






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    Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5.00pm. Saturdays 9am to 12 noon.